When the world has been literally been turned upside down by the most bizarre theologies and doctrines, where can someone turn to find comfort confidence and surety? Well, for me attending a veterans parade is just the tonic. Earlier this year, I found great solace and inspiration at the ANZAC Day parade in Sydney where Aussie veterans from several theaters of war marched. Their deeds and efforts inspire. Just the very presence of an ageing veteran can do wonders for the soul. You are seeing living history of a generation that gave everything for freedom walking by. Youth has gone, all that remains is an older person, but what resonates is commitment to country, and a stoic determination to simply be there on the day.
This year I found myself at the 2021 Casa Grande Veterans parade in Arizona. Whilst not on the grand scale of the Sydney ANZAC Day march, a small town march can encapsulate all that is good about our veterans. In the lead up, Id learnt that a Pearl Harbor veteran in Jack Holder would be in attendance. I made damn sure I was going to be there just to say g’day and thank you. Jack’s life is amazing. Not only was he at one of the biggest events of modern day history, he went on as a pilot to serve his country with distinction and honour. I was able to say g’day I shook his hand and boy, what a grip! Many Australians would know about Aussie Rules legend “Mr Football” Ted Whitten and his infamous, vice-like grip, but Jack was pretty close! He was really lovely and we had a short chat. He then went on to take pictures with a group of local Marine cadets. The messaging couldn’t have been more perfect. The old and young together. It was heartening to see the young kids happily mill around Jack for a photo opportunity. It was one of the best things I’ve witnessed since arriving back in the USA.
The nonsensical cv19 times of today have let our elderly down badly. They have been wrongly isolated in their final days from close family and friends, they have been shoved away and forgotten and it’s moments like this that I cherish deeply. There was no-one around telling me not to get too close or apply hand sanitizer to shake a hand, it was just a normal social event. I’m in a country that has an older president in Joe Biden. Just at face value that is very positive thing, as in, if you are older, you can get to the highest office in the Western world and that should offer some inspiration to those who think life is finished after 50. Sadly however, President Biden is no poster boy for that demographic. He clearly struggles to put a sentence together and looks so out of place. I find it hard it hard to fathom, how such a learned country such as the USA with it’s college system that President Biden is the best that the American political class can come up with.
Apart from Jack there were other great scenes, like the local high school bands and other veterans from more recent times. Even a retired military dog went by, happily bedded down on a pedestal, tongue handing out, seemingly grinning as if to say “I did my bit”. It was very heartwarming to see. The answers and society I’m trying to find were here at this parade. Folks who were willing to either serve, help out or witness and acknowledge. The simple act of just turning up is very, powerful, something the globalists of today have zero idea about. The want all of us to stay at home and be locked in some kind of html coded box and be divided from the joys of human realtime experience.
I hope there will be more days like this of the everyday, normal experience. Unmasked, no demands, no “domination” of being told what to put into our bodies. Just letting people be and to live their lives without government intervention and dictates. Our veterans are sterling examples of why we as stewards of freedom today must step up and say NO! to any form of tyranny that wishes to shut down events like a Veterans or ANZAC Day parade. It is our duty to make sure that never happens. May God bless all of our veterans from all parts of the world who served in the name of freedom.
To learn more about the incredible life and service of Pearl Harbor veteran Jack Holder click on the image below to visit his website