It’s All About the “Case” Numbers – interview with Christine Massey

Christine Massey is a Canadian based biological statistician. Christine has been a leading advocate in questioning the covid narrative via requesting Freedom of Information material from over 90 departments in some 20 countries around the world.

Christine’s key question to these health departments is have they been able to provide examples of “isolating” the covid virus.
To this day, she has yet to receive any conformation of isolating the covid virus from any of these departments.

Her vitally important work is key for all individuals in gaining an informed view with regards to taking the current covid vaccines on offer.

Our rights are being stripped away. Our freedoms are being curtailed. Shonky narratives from health bureaucrats and politicians of all persuasions around the world are fueling the building opposition of the covid response.

Getting her message out hasn’t been easy for Christine as she has been banned on You Tube and more recently suspended from Twitter for simply providing an alternative view on a medical issue that is affecting millions around the world.

Thank you for watching & I hope you enjoy the interview

x Jodie

For more information about Christine Massey please find the following links:

Christine Massey’s website:


FOIs reveal that health/science institutions around the world (211 and counting!) have no record of SARS-COV-2 isolation/purification, anywhere, ever

FOI Template:

Template for “SARS-COV-2 isolation” FOI requests

Christian Declaration:

People mentioned during interview:

Jon Rappoport :

Dr Andrew Kaufman:

Kerry Mulis:

About the Author

Jodie Newell
Love reporting on sports, politics, history and music